Benefits of Food Donation

Donating to the needy not just benefits the recipient, it also benefits the donor in improving the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being. However, you need to do your research about the charitable organizations that share the same interest as yours.

Prospects in which Donation is Beneficial for the Donors:

  • Education

For many donors, donating is a platform for knowing about the issues surrounding that particular need. Most people choose to learn about the issues, before donating, to get the wider perspective.

Donating to the needy gives new information and reveals a different point of views about different social issues such as homelessness, hunger or poverty.

  • Community

Donating to the needy is a great way to improve the conditions in your neighborhood or community. Donating food to the worthy people or organizations helps counter poverty, hunger and at the same time, it can improve harmony, friendliness, and trust among residents.

It has been found that charitable donations promote increased levels of prosperity, and boost health happiness, cooperation, goodwill, and strong communities.

  • Health

It has been observed that generosity releases endorphins that generate feelings of calmness, peace, gratitude, and satisfaction which help in easing tension and stress.

Thus, people who help the needy get the benefits in terms of stronger immune system, lower heart rate, increased energy, lesser pain, and lower blood pressure.

Are you interested in food donation? Would you like to get the benefits of donation?

If you are an individual or an NGO or an organization, partner with us to provide home-made quality food to the needy.

We already have tie-ups with few NGOs and organizations for the purpose of betterment of the livelihood of the people.

Join us at and let’s contribute together in getting rid of hunger from the society.

You can make donations in memory of your Grand Parents, Parents, Loved ones and make your occasion more auspicious!

You can donate as Diwali gifts or Secret Gifts (Gupt Daan) on your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Marriage, In Memorial, or any occasion you can think of.

Are you celebrating and want to share your joy with Misrii beneficiaries – the Needy Children, Senior Citizens, Specially-abled or for any cause close to your heart?

Begin Now!

You can also have your friends/relatives to donate meals with Misrii, on the occasion of your birthday or marriage!! They can donate meals online, for you, and can benefit humanity.

For any queries please write to us at or call Misrii helpline at 7340029290 or simply visit

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